Saturday, December 28, 2013


It started as any other day… “Pat.. Pat.. Pat “

Someone was at our door at 6am needing a shoe repair… well Pat had a busy day scheduled & didn’t have time to glue & stitch this shoe so he told them to come back later in the afternoon.
Then off to make coffee (which was his morning ritual while I stayed on bed for a while yet).

As I laid there in bed trying to get a few more minutes of shut eye I could hear him out in the main room praying… His time with God was his lifeline & rock. He depended on the strength he got from The LORD for his strength for the day & this day he was gonna need it all. That Wednesday he was working with some of  the other men from the community on the road where rains had washed it out. We had been planning this for a while & he was praying for patience & strength. The Lord had been impressing on him & making a real difference in his life & attitude to give each day to him – All the interruptions- the cares- the many needs that came to our door. To meet each with joy & a servants heart because we were there to SERVE…..

                                      Simply serving .serving simply

I got up finally & we had our devotion reading time together & our pray time together- which I will forever treasure. Pat was my leader & was always able to share with me what the LORD was convicting him of & teaching him thru His Word.

Then it was off to do the work for the day … fixing the road with his neighbors. He jumped on the Gator loaded with his tools & about 3 boys . I started getting the food ready that we were going to fix for lunch. I walked to the road site & found a few ladies to cook for us – Pat was making trips down to the river loading up big rocks to use for the road. 

The last interaction with Pat was me asking if he had any extra bread so I could give to the woman cooking -2 pieces were left in the bag that he threw to me as he went past by.

  Then JESUS made that final 

Yes Pat meet it with JOY  I’m sure of it, The day he had been living for.

 I can’t help but think of him as he was flying off the cliff 75 ft down he just flew into the arms of JESUS HIS LORD & SAVIOR ..

My world is shaken , turned upside down, a mess ..
But I have the ROCK still- the JESUS that is in control of ALL things- who holds me & cares for me. The assurance of heaven & being reunited with Pat again – whatever that really looks like.

As so many people in Haiti reached out to help me to make arrangements , to care for Pat, to get the Gator, to LOVE me, to cry with me, to LOVE me , to pray for & with me, to LOVE me… I am so grateful & blessed .

 My many Haitian friends standing along the path & road as I left- crying, praying. Those that came to the house helping me pack a few things, again praying with me, singing, CARING loving me- us. I was so blessed.

 Hearing the repeated words offered-

           Be strong- have courage- God knows

Then getting home with my family on Friday was another blessing- Beth & Phil caring & standing along side the whole way.

  I was so blessed by ALL those who helped with meals, finances, serving, singing, sharing. My GOD is so faithful- HE NEVER LEAVES YOU OR FORSAKES YOU- He cares.

 “Church “ you will never know how much you encouraged me & how thankful me & my family are for all that each of you contributed.

Now life will be forever changed for me….
 What will I do... 
               where will I live...
                             How will I manage… 
                                   how can I go on …
                                          I feel I have nothing here – physical anyway ? 
Many questions- but I TRUST & I want to PRAISE Jesus even though ‘he slays me.’

HE does have a plan not just for me BUT for each of us- It may not look like we ever envisioned or in our earthly eyes ‘how we think things should be’.

                      But it is PERFECT …. 

One of Pats favorite verses that he always reminded me of is this:

Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.      Matt 6:34

So as I looked at the blog post I had just written 3 days before Pat died – It was all about thanksgiving –even in the hard stuff-
              WOW little did I know….

BUT I am so thankful for a husband that had a passion for JESUS, that loved me & our family & that sweet little Fenner, that wanted to tell others about Jesus & the good life living for HIM , for the step of faith we were able to make together surrendering life as we knew it to a year & 4 months we got to live in Haiti together serving – much close, sweet time that I will forever cherish.

AND I am thankful that I do have a Savior I can count on … that has my future in his hands bringing joy, tears, excitement, joy, uncertainty, trials, joy…


These are not just words … they are truths!

I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.    Psm 34:1

To end I want to write what Pat most always put in his closing of his emails

                      PEACE IS IN JESUS ALONE

The love of my life...

If you don’t know HIS peace... pray to GOD & ask Him to show you.. accept Him as the LORD & KING of your life … & live for HIM !!!!!

Allow JESUS to come & INTERRUPT YOUR life –
Because you never know when it might be the LAST INTERRUPTION.

Thank you all again & May God bless each abundantly
Love cher

For anyone interested you can view Pats memorial service on youtube 
           part 1

               part 2


  1. Cheri, you've got that awesome "touch of the Master's hand" and you know wherever He calls, He will give you the peace that passes all understanding to follow Him. You are right where Pat would love to be, in the center of the Father's will! :) Love the pic of you and your boys!! <3

  2. Alleluia and Amen. Praying for you to have a continued presence of peace and comfort.

  3. Cheryl, thanks for sharing and opening your heart. We love you so much and know He is holding you every step of this journey. We can't wait to give you a squeeze this travels! :)
