Well as you all know- Pat received his reward!!!! He is now in heaven where he longed to be & is enjoying life with Jesus!!!!! Just think he's worshiping, praising, & loving God & still probably talking to anybody that will listen about how awesome this "heavenly " life is !!! I miss him so much - but now I will just keep serving until it's my turn to go too.....

I am going to be serving as a nurse in a hospital- I am to the point where I really miss the hospital work that I had done for 35 yrs. The purpose of the hospital is to reach the lost for Jesus- eternity & now. And especially to the Muslims , which God has been tendering my heart for!I have peace in my heart about this, even though once again, I will so much miss my family- Mr. Fenner & sweet Willow Grace. My boys & families, my sister & family & my Mom! And of course those special friends! We have all drawn so much closer I feel, since Pat was killed that it is even going to be harder to "GO". But with Jesus I know I can do what He asks. That is one big thing I have learned... He is ALWAYS there & gives me all the strength when I'm SO WEAK.! I know that's where He likes to keep us!
"My grace is sufficient for you , for my power is made perfect in weakness"
2 Cor 12:9
This was our info before we went to Haiti in Aug 2012
Bon Jour! This is Pat and welcome to our blog. I’m thrilled that you will accompany us on a
new path! Not one that we chose, but one that the Father has chosen for us. At
56 years old and after 32 years of marriage, raising 2 boys, restoring 2 houses
and passionately pursuing the American dream, God has led us to view life with
new eyes. He has placed in me a passion
for plants and a burning desire to share His Love to the world. I feel this is
what He has called us to Haiti to do, build relationships through growing
things and sowing seeds of Life by loving people. As time goes on, my prayer is that this will
be a window for you to watch God work on us, with us and through us to His
Glory. Am I nervous? VERY! Am I
excited? Beyond VERY! My heart gets heavy though, when I think
about being separated from my family, especially little Fenner! But God in His Sovereignty holds my heart and
I trust Him to lift that weight and carry me through. We serve a BIG God who always keeps His
promises, so I claim Mark 10:39-41 and rest in His faithfulness.
Hey! This is Cheryl.
I have always found it hard to describe myself, but I’ll try to put a
few lines down. I have been blessed with a husband of 32 yr, 2 awesome sons
& their wonderful wives & the sweetest little grandson ever!! ( Fenner
I’m gonna miss you so much! ) Family has always been a big, important part of
my life so this will be a change –after living right next door to your sis
& her family, moving to another country is a BIG move !! I’m a registered
nurse & have worked on a surgical unit at a hospital for 35 yr –like
forever ! I thought serving Christ as a wife, mother , sister & nurse was enough
~But ..God had other plans for my life. My heart & focus was changed after
we went on our first mission trip. I wanted to serve others wherever &
whatever that looked liked. So to Haiti we go!! It’s not the place for a person
who likes things all planned out like I do. But God is asking me to TRUST Him
& His plan-this is very scary to me! No job, family, don’t even know what
I’m gonna be doing for sure( except those “medical” needs always come knocking at your door. ) Saying “
YES LORD ” & TRUSTING Him – through
prayer I have found much peace in that .
Lord, make me channel of Your Grace showing others your LOVE by serving
Dearest Pat & Cheri, I received your prayer card today and want you to know how very thankful I am to have a 'lil sis' heading to the vineyard to serve HIM in ways we never dreamed when we were just 'kids'. Love you both so much and my prayers will consistently be with you, count on it. Stay close to HIM in WORD and Deed for the challenges ahead. HE will see you through. "Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ." Col. 3:24 Arlene