Wednesday, November 18, 2015

I will go before you …But you must take a step

Well I’m getting more settled in Togo everyday.

I’ve been so blessed by the team that lives & works here- they are totally wonderful !!
To think that just a week & a half ago I left…

Some of the BEST friends..& of course Sis

I’ll first share a tremendous "God story" that happened  as I started out …

My bags were packed & OVERFLOWING.. I mean OVERFLOWING..I had 2 checked bags - over weight by 2# ea, I carry on STUFFED, & a back pack with shoes & bottles hanging off & all the ties extended as far as they go.

 I was worried about all this. Trying to think what else I could leave to lighten the load. But bringing clothes, personal items , things to set up a house & 2 weeks before I left a note, that said I needed a water filter that was 18x13x13. I couldn’t get any lighter!!

Brian & Sandy came to say the last "so long- see ya later"..& when Brian saw my things he said you have to take another bag.. I had already called the day before & found out for a 3rd bag it would be whooping $200 !!!– That was way too expensive!!!

I’d make it somehow...

Brian said well I think you have the money for it.. but you do what you think you should do.
 They left – I asked Cid & Beth & they said “Yes take the 3rd bag so you won’t feel so stressed”..
 I said a prayer & felt like God said “It’s ok take the 3rd bag”

 So with no more than 30 min before we had to  leave the house we took things out.. & threw things in that 3rd bag -- lickity – split !!

When we got to the airport & I was checking in.. 

I said I had 3 bags.. & after the agent checked my bags in -ALL under #50 – she said ok - …

 ‘It says here you can have 3 FREE bags!!!” ..

 I asked how that was ?   That I was expecting to pay $200 & she said I can’t understand it..They only give 3 free if you were flying Business class. ( which I wasn’t ) .. I said I know- 

                         “Its was GOD” !!!

And she said “yes it must have been”.!!!!
Also the man before me that checked in was from Togo & she said she’s worked here 7 yrs & NEVER had anyone fly to Togo & now 2 ppl in an hour!!


 If I hadn’t decided to “take that step” I would have NOT seen what God had prepared ahead for me..

Deut 31:8 It is the Lord who goes before. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.

So what a way to start out with the many “unknowns” …. Visibly, tangibly seeing God work like this.                  It’s not that I’m special .. 

                                                  He does this for us all .

How often do we miss the miracles because we don’t S T E P!!!?

Now in putting everything in subjection to Him He left NOTHING outside of His control..Heb 2:8

So I arrived, with the Togolese man “watching” over me in the Paris airport & in Togo.

Spent a couple nites in the capital Lome’ on the ocean, right next to the largest port in West Africa.
Lome' Port at nite
Dinner at the hotel with some of the team.

Making Pita bread & buns in the brick oven.

Then up to Mango …

A street in Mango

Some of Kelly's friendly neighbors

 I stayed with a wonderful lady – Kelly who is a teacher for the Missionary kids & has been in Togo since ’95, until my house was ready.

I started working at the hospital this past week end & now have a few days off. 

Doing some IV work

The hospital is really nice. But I have a learning curve here.. I’ve been out of the hospital setting for 3 years &  I’m used to “machines”, protocols, & pre-mixed meds.

Pediatric ward. Everyone is enjoying the "Jesus Film"

 NOT pediatrics ,mixing your own meds, titrating IV’s (with no pumps)- esp on those little babies, not being able to really communicate, having “anything & everything” to be taking care of. 
Preemie- 29 wks

Feeding a "little" one.
2 little 5 month old twins- the little girl has Malaria- which we are seeing so much of.

But again as I’ve been praying & talking to God about ALL this & my lack of confidence..

 Guess what he revealed to me the other day in His Word..

Do you not believe I’m able to do this? And (I) they said to Him Yes, Lord. 
                                                                                                     Matt 9:28

So With His strength – because I’m SO weak- .
 With  Confidence In Jesus that He will EQUIP if He calls.....

                                 I GO & I say
                                               YES LORD.

And I proclaim Peter (1 Pet 4:11) wrote:

one who serves by the strength that God supplies- in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.

ALL Glory to Him ,


Rejoicing.Thankful.Praying.  Embracing life....For & because of Jesus

Yes - I'm even eating yummy Mango! ( but I bought it in Lome')


  1. Oh you make me smile and sing with JOY! Thank you for helping me to not proceed in fear but take that STEP in His protection - His direction. Love you!!

    1. Fear so easily takes over for me.. I have to remind myself so often- He has it.. Our lives & family, EVERYTHING !!! then my heart calms & peace reigns & I TRUST !!! love you !!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Cheryl, you never seize to amaze me and your trust in God. You are a shining light in all our hearts and that witness to us daily of His great gifts, love and trust in Him. Thank you reminding me. Bless you and know you are in our prayers and your team. Praise God for all of you. Stay confident in His love!

    1. It's Jesus you know - ALL Jesus !!!! My love & my life & my strength !!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Oh Cheryl, I am so thrilled for you and still choked up over the airport story! God is so very good and yes He certainly loves us all and will do great things for us!! Keep the pictures and stories coming! Love you and keep being the blessing!! You encourage us all!

    1. Thanks for YOUR encouragement !!! Yes He does the same for each of us- so many times I miss seeing Him act !!!

  7. Wow! God is SO gracious! This theme of taking a step with confidence that the Lord goes before us is a theme that's been revealed quite frequently in my life lately- thank you for the example of this! Our Prayers continue for you, Cheryl!

    1. Isn't God just super amazing??!!! I still WONDER & am in AWE of HIM !!! Thanks for the prayers & encouragement!

  8. I love this! Thank you for your testimony- it encourages me tonight. We were so sad to not make it to your send off- but know our hearts are with you. I am so so happy to see that Father God is doing HIs work in your life and showing His amazing goodness to you! It blesses my heart to see this. I miss you- and when you come home- well please let me know! Perhaps I will be done with school until then!

    1. Oh Heather thanks !!! All glory to Father !!!He's a good GOOD Father to each of us !! Good luck with school .. you'll get there! :)
