Sunday, December 1, 2013

Yes we are Blessed…

 The one thing we must pray to be great at is THANKSGIVING- because it’s the only thing that makes GOD great in our lives.         Ann Volscamp

As I smell my burning tortilla chips in the oven I rush to get them out- they just needed a few more minutes but I forgot them ... 

Thanksgiving? I feel like I just wasted my precious ingredients.

As I look back over my day- Starting out early with a young man here because he has the “gripp” a cold & wondered if I could give him any meds.

 Or the pregnant mom that walked down & back up the mountain with her 2 children that had fever & coughs..could I help?

Then there was a mother who came by asking for more meds for her young child… She was here last week too. Her husband had died in Sept- her house was broken, she has nothing…  After visiting her rented home down by the river – she has a small room for her 5 children – a charcoal burner to cook with , a small pile of clothes in the corner & a few avocados. But she also has Jesus & a faith He would provide.  As I handed her a small bag of health care goodies & clothes she raised her hands toward heaven & said “Mesi Jesi- God will put it in my hand” Still having a large debt to pay from her husband’s funeral… no gardens this year to sell produce because there wasn't money to buy seed..

Thanksgiving?   ….

Or the young boy with temp 104.. . requesting his mama to come too, & finding out she is the same mama of a friend who just gave birth in her home Tues. to a 7 month preemie that weighed less than 4 lbs. 

How in this primitive area do children this little survive..

Thanksgiving? !..

Then there was the older lady that ...
 you guessed it had fever & the “gripp” .. everyone up here has it now - it’s that time of year.. Drink plenty of water .. I’ll give you eucalyptus & lemongrass leaves for tea. 
Cool mornings & hot days, dirt floors & drafty small rooms, sleeping wherever you can find a spot to lay, makes for sickness.

THANKSGIVING!!!!!!! Yes we must be thankful in all things

Open our hands- receive what God gives – AND GIVE THANKS. Our life is opened & we get JOY.              (adapted from Ann Volscamp)

Yes Thanksgiving.. In the hard times & in the good times..

When called to go to a consultation at 6 am & not knowing just what I’d find.. a mama in labor with her 9th child & not progressing.. a house full of woman & her children . A community coming together to help when needed – get the other children off to school.. say a pray, hold a hand, laugh , pack a bag. Yes she needed to go down to the hospital..

The gator arrived the week before & needing gas – someone went in search of gas.. 
2 men carried mama up the hill to the gator & 5 others all climbed in the back of the bed.. about 4 ft wide & 5 ft long.. 

Community support & helping.. but 2 - 5 gal buckets of beans needed to be picked & shelled for school lunch the next day.  I WAS thankful for friends  to help get that job done.

About 3 hrs later a beautiful healthy baby boy was born….


Missing family from home .. but having a “family” to spend the day with & eat a large yummy thanksgiving meal together. The road down the mountain is very dusty to say the least & we are totally covered with dust when we arrive on the gator … 

but so thankful to have it .

These are some of the reflections of thanksgiving I’ve been pondering.. a busy day with many “needs” & not always feeling the thankfulness I SHOULD..

If you let something steal your THANKSGIVING - you let something steal your JOY & if you let something steal your joy you let something steal your STRENGTH  (Ann Volscamp)

S0....don't let ANYTHING steal your Joy!  Look to be thankful in EVERYTHING!  Even the hard stuff!

1 comment:

  1. Can only say we love you so much and always, always Prayers. May God give you wisdom for each things brought your way, and healing to each one!
