Friday, September 21, 2012

We’ve figured out a little bit of how things work here, so we’re going to try and post some pics along with text this time.  We’re still trying to settle into a schedule on when is best to do what, so that will take a little time.  We’re not used to being in bed at 8:30 and being wide awake at 3:00 am, so that’s what I’m talking about.  Do you get up at 4 and work till it gets hot? Try to stay up later so you sleep later? Anyhow, we just wanted to add a little color to this post if the internet will let us. So….

Hello from the ‘blanche kay la’ ( the white’s house) in Soliette. 

 We’ve taken over the house from the tarantula’s,

, and done some little things to make it a little homier.  Pat got to use some of his new tools. He was really impressed with the performance of the concrete drill!  Got the shelves up!  Really, it worked better than you think.  Of course, drilling through stucco and Haitian concrete block is different than drilling into American concrete.

We have the basic outside cleanup around the house done, and have planted some veges.  Not sure what will grow and what won’t so we’re just going to experiment. Today we planted green beans, tomatoes, lettuce and some herbs.  We’ll keep you posted on how it turns out.  We’ve got a few more things to try, but more preparation is necessary first.  Most of the area around the house, I mean right up to the house, was planted in black beans by a friend that didn’t know we were comming.  You hate to just dig everything up, so we’ll do a little bit at a time.  We’ll, the batteries are getting low, so we gotta go.  Love you all.  We’re anxious to see if we can really upload all this too.  Talk to you soon!


  1. It looks like it didn't take Pat long to put his green thumb to work. :-) I am so glad you arrived safe. Your fuzzy pets aren't so cute though....

    Our prayers are with you and we send our love.

  2. So you are watering a banana tree~ and of course you have a garden already planted ~ you are a naturl gardner and I am sure I would not appreciate your long legged, fuzzy "friends" that you had in your mouse trap! Love you all!

  3. Love you brother! We prayed for you during our prayer meeting again this morning! You are constantly in our family's prayers! I love you house! God is good!!!!!! Glad you have arrived safely.

  4. HOW FUN to see pictures and hear about you. Don't let this blog go without updates!!! Love you both oodles and pray you can bless those around you with your love for the KING!
