Lets be real for a bit…
I have a problem with “trusting” ...
have for a long time..
I know the FAITHFULNESS of God
I know the FAITHFULNESS of God
I know what the Word says...
I believe the Word.. I
believe Jesus...
but I just keep falling back into the fleshly habit of Not
trusting Jesus with the circumstances of my life…
And this past week the enemy has been active in causing me to
disbelieve AGAIN that Jesus has it ALL UNDER CONTROL...
Can anyone relate with me??
Why do I have such a continued problem with this????
I repeat & claim His promises-
because God never changes
& His Never lies ...
do not be anxious for anything, but in everything by prayer &
supplication with THANKSGIVING let your requests be made known to God..
Phil 4:6
Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow , for tomorrow will
be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matt 6:34
(FYI one of
Pat’s favorite)
I even just got done reading a 40 day study on “Trusting Without Borders” Arabah Joy..
But then I go ahead & “worry”.
I think of the birds & the flowers of the field..
“Consider the birds of the air
they worry not. Neither should
Those winged creatures woke early with no idea where or how
they were going to find food.
They weren’t
They sang in utter trust & reliance upon their Maker, they
took to the skies.
I could too.
Consider the flowers of the field. I clothe them with beauty
& grace. I’ll clothe you too.
When faced with our lack & weakness- I can forget the
birds & forget the blossom were once a mere seed-
but God clothed it.
That's what he does for me”… Arabah Joy
No I’m not worried about where my
clothes are coming from...
she's not worried about her clothes either |
or where I will get my food…
A big pot of peanut butter being made |
I’m anxious about my abilities..
Just when I start “feeling” more confident in the hospital
work here...
Jesus is pressing me into
something more...
You would say it’s trivial,small-
but tell my head that & the cold sore that has developed !!!
I know Christ lives in me, will be faithful to fill me, equip me, & complete the work He has for me to do here..
I Know it... but… my feelings tell me otherwise.
I pray I will trust Jesus like this wee little preemie is
trusting her Mama(a little 12 yr old)
In this area of Togo, there are
so many that “trust” in charms
or fetishes.
"There is
a weird intersection in folk Islam of a fatalist view of God as sovereign,
resigning one’s self to life’s troubles, and the belief that evil spirits and
curses by others are the cause of our problems." Anna
I saw this man in market selling chicken feet,
birds feet, charms, a whole cloth full of things to buy for protection & to
help the evil spirits to be appeased & to use to help things go well in
I definitely don’t trust in these...
I know where my trust lies…
It’s in Jesus!!
So I’m asking you to pray with me,
& again be reminded that Jesus gives you & I, courage & strength to do-
what He has
called me to here,
& for you in whatever circumstance you are facing.
He is
with us.
I want to be praising Him in
thanksgiving, for what I know He is going to do ..
& be excited to see how
He will be glorified in these small anxieties I’m feeling right now…
~ Adjusting to working nights.. –
sleeping during the day with the heat.. 106 degrees & staying awake at night. I’ve never worked nights before!!
My road to work |
~ Starting to work Maternity
periodically with NO experience –
Thanking Jesus for LIFE!!
Yes they use eyeliner on their babies eyebrows & eyelashes! |
~ Starting to be in charge with the
language barrier still looming HUGE …
I’m looking forward to see how
God will work all these things out for me & in my circumstances. To be able to give Him glory in it all.
He is in control of everything that happens-
Sovereign God calm my heart &
mind so I can hear your voice.
![]() |
To be trusting like this little fellow! |
…For we are powerless against
this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our
eyes are on you.
2 Chronicles 20:12
I’m keeping my eyes on you Jesus!!!!
If any one saw my Instagram & fb pic of me with the mask on ..
Both of those girls have died.. so sad ...
But a big shout of praise for another 13 yr old girl who came in with meningitis too & she is better…
Praise Jesus –
she’s going home recovered, but weak !!
Thank you for your prayers to TRUST in Jesus for it ALL!!
love to each,