Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Harmittan & Holiday

As I awakened to the swish,swish,swish of the broom sweeping my “yard”- actually no grass just dirt,

to the “chilliness of the morning” all relative I know,

 & to my alarm- to really get me out of bed & “up & at ‘em”.. I was working today at the hospital.

I thank Jesus for a day of remembrance of His birth & His willingness to:

Though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing ,taking on the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men, And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.    Phil 2:6-8

So out the door I went to make my 15 min walk to work…

The red dirt roads were still quiet, no school children hustling to school- it’s “holiday”!

But there was something different this morning…
      the sky was “foggy” looking & if I didn’t know any better, I would say
 it just looked like it might SNOW!!!!
                             I hadn’t seen it like this before.

                                   It’s harmittan!!! 


The few months when the winds from the Sahara desert blow down across north Togo blowing DUST! It’s been this way for most of Dec but just a “hazy” looking dust- this morning it was foggy “white”- When I questioned the “regulars” here they told me “this is THE REAL Harmittan” – I think it was a reminder of “winter back home”- 

But along with the winds comes the DUST                                                          EVERYWHERE!!!!

On the floor, on my bed, inside my cupboards, in your teeth, in my hair, just a layer covering everything!

Some decide it’s best to shut the windows-but I think it makes it too stuffy SO you just learn to live with it & deal with it. I sweep, wipe, wash, again & again & then just decide... I may as well give up! It sure won’t kill me!!!

Now my friends tell me that “you’ll learn to be thankful for this because it’s cool weather” – the sun is blocked by the dust. It’s really strange to see it. By what they say what’s coming next is the

                               H E AT ~ HOT HOT  

weather & you’ll wish for the dust back!! So I believe them & as Paul commanded in
 1Thes 5 :16 -18 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing & give thanks in ALL circumstances.              

 I’m learning to do this in the dust! 

As I walked on- I passed the “fou”- the crazy man that I pass every morning sitting in the dirt unable to walk- no place to lay his head... He has his winter coat & hat on, the smoldering of a fire that helped keep him warm in the night, his little piece of cardboard covering his very few possessions- I mean few – probably 4-5 things.

From the first day I saw him I am ALWAYS reminded of the lame beggar that Peter & John (Acts 3:1-10) saw & told him

     ‘silver & gold I do not have But what I have I will give to you.. Jesus.’ 

 He always looks up at me, smiles & clasps his hands together in the air as I say

 “Bonjour – Joyeux Noel -  Je’sus t’aime”  

  Hello- Merry Christmas.- Jesus loves you!

This morning I sensed the Spirit nudging me to give him some food- (which I’ve been encouraged not to do ) The only thing I had was a muffin so I dug it out & handed it over to him. He eagerly accepted it & thanked me profusely!

On I went … Jesus was born for this beggar just as He was for you & me…

When I got to work there was just a joyful, exciting Spirit in the air!!!
 The many Joyeux Noels were exchanged along with the usual greetings-

Bonjour! - Hello!

Bon Arrive’! – welcome!

Comment ce' va? How are you?     Tre’ bein! Very good.

How was your sleep?

How is your house?

How was your food?

How is your family?

Well, I get confused with all these “hows” & after a few, I just laugh & say everything is good!!!! This is the dialog every time you see someone!!

Some food was brought in by the “whites” & all enjoyed it. One of the Togolese nurses gave each of us an apple- which are imported from France & much appreciated !!
The great team I work with !!

Throughout my day I was so often reminded …

                    Jesus was born for each of us…

My patient who had a raging infection in her leg & had to have it amputated & then even more surgery, it had to be opened up & left open. Daily, (after giving her conscious sedation)  the Dr. cut away the dead, foul smelling tissue as we  prayed for healing. As Dr. Todd said, we are just trying to save her life at this point.. .

Fati using all her strength to learn to walk after her leg amputated.

Jesus was born for her just as He was for you & me…

As the 16 yr old boy who has Kidney problems & swelled up like a balloon- such a sweet, quiet spirited boy..

Jesus was born for him as He was for you & me…

The little 28 wk preemie weighing only 830 gm (about 1.8 lb)- stable at this point but wondering if she will grow ?

Jesus was born for her as He was for you & me…

Then there was the miracle of a baby girl born in the afternoon- Will she grow up & learn about Jesus as her Savior?

Jesus was born for her as He was for you & me…

It was a good day – a wonderful day to reflect on Jesus & talk with the nurses who are Believers - They will go home & have food & family time & celebration.

When I got home, my guard was here & we talked for a bit..
 He is a Muslim & when I asked about his family – he said his father has 4 wives & he has 30 siblings. He had a celebration of much food, & family time together. 

It made me so wonder what is he celebrating? Will he ever believe Jesus is more than a prophet ...

He is the Priest & King – I pray his heart will be open & he will seek the truth!!

Yes Harmittan is here & so is Our Savior Born to save the world ….
 This man child called Yeshua – Jesus- The Messiah!

 He shall reign forevermore – He shall reign forevermore!!  (Chris Tomlin – Adore)

Well this didn’t get posted yet because of bad internet so I’ll give a little update..

Fati- who had her leg amputated – had to have it removed up to her hip & now the infection has spread there also.. Pray for strength & healing & for her & her family to learn more & more about Jesus,that their hearts would be open to truth.

The boy with the kidney problems has had improvement for the present & went home.

The preemie is still holding his own.

HOPE is being heard every day in the hospital!!

 1 young man 23 has accepted that hope into his life as he goes home to die of cancer!!!! This is a tremendous praise & working of the Spirit as he is from a very “closed to hear the Gospel” Mossi Tribe.

 God brings people to Hospital of Hope.. so they can not only get healthcare BUT hear TRUTH – many for the first time !

 Pray for seeds & much growth.

Thank you  friends for caring for the needs here in Togo …

 We are only 1 small little needy place in the world..

 Laboring together for the Kingdom,

Love cheryl

                     HE SHALL REIGN FOREVERMORE

we enjoyed a Christmas eve get together - Togolese & American food!